Phew, what a whirlwind this has been! I’m excited to write with an update on my workshop and the new Offcut Project.

I’ve placed an order for the workshop building with a local company and they’re working on it now. It’ll be installed in January. And great news, I’ve been gifted some furniture from my place of work, which is undergoing a refurb, so I’ll have fewer items to purchase in the long run. However, it does mean that for Christmas I get a lounge that looks like an office furniture showroom!

I attended an amazing workshop using silver clay, so the new collection will include recycled fine silver jewellery – in my usual quirky style, of course. I’m obsessed with learning and I’m constantly upskilling – so whether it’s learning how to work with different waste plastics or developing unusual wire techniques, rest assured that I’ll be raring to go once everything is built!

With The Mildred Trouble Shop, I have one last local market in Palmerston Road in Southsea on Saturday 16 December. You can also find my stock in Dress Code, The Package Free Larder, Portsmouth Cathedral and Wines By The Sea in Portsmouth.

Lou x

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