Time flies! I thought it was about time for another update on the project and how I’ve been using the Crowdfunder money. The workshop is coming along nicely; I’m slowly working my way through all the materials I’ve been gifted so I have more space to actually move around.

This includes about 3 million vintage ties (thanks Toni & Allie), plastics of all kinds (cheers Roswihta, Steve, and the team at the Package Free Larder), rubber gaskets (ta Stephen), coffee pods (that’s Kate!), piles of blank CDs (nice one, Karen) and about 4 Claire’s Accessories-worth of old and broken jewellery (pretty much everyone!).

In between cataloguing everything I’ve been testing out all the new techniques I’ve been learning; melting plastic bottle tops in my panini press to make new sheet material, making origami shapes with old sheet music, cutting up old vegetable crates and heating bits of plastic bottles to make leaves.

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